Home Health

Telehealth Care

Virtual Care for Seniors

Why Home Health Telehealth Care?


Clinician Experience

Create a better work/life balance for nurses, providers, and caretakers by connecting with a patient over a video call. Streamline and prioritize staff.

Telehealth Windshield Time Blue

Reduce Mileage and Windshield Time

Reduce windshield and response time with virtual care. Provide faster response times while reducing operating costs.

Telehealth Access To Care Blue

Accessibility + Convenience

Reduce travel for rural patients, population health, and seniors while saving them costs on transportation. Increase patient and caregiver satisfaction.

Telehealth Proactive Care Blue

Proactive Care

Create more frequent visits with chronic care and high-risk patients. Reduce hospital readmission rates and caregiver anxiety.

Home Health Telehealth

Platform Features

Home Health Telehealth Features

One Touch Text Link

Clinicians can send senior care patients the One Touch Text Link. This allows patients to connect with a click of a button from their smartphone. Just enter their number and hit send. 

Simple Patient Connections

Connect with patients in 2-clicks or less, no need for mobile app downloads. 100% browser-based, patients can connect with their own mobile devices, computers, or tablets.

In-Video Messaging

On video call with multiple parties? Providers can message nurses or other clinicians privately while in-video with the patient. Clinicians can send messages or links to patients and caregivers with home health care instructions.

Multi-Party Connect

Give an update to everybody involved in taking care of the home health patient. Clinicians can invite nurses, providers, or caregivers to connect over a video call to discuss essential patient updates.

Technology Demo for Home Health Telehealth Care

One Touch Telehealth offers a HIPAA compliant video telehealth solution that makes it easy for you to implement. With no software or hardware needed, add a video telehealth solution to your home health telehealth care plan in minutes. We’ve built the platform with simplicity in mind, train your staff in 10 minutes or less, with no changes to EHR or charting.

We offer a video telehealth solution that requires no hardware, software, or CapEx. Add virtual care to gain a competitive advantage, increase revenue, and reduce operational efficiencies in-home health telehealth today! Contact us for a demo.

Home Health Telehealth Benefits

Home Health Telehealth Care is the Future

Home health organizations across the country have implemented telehealth at a faster rate than ever before. With increase adoption across the board, telehealth is here to stay. The benefits of telehealth in senior care are aplenty. From diet consults to machine support, telehealth provides a patient experience that can’t be matched.

Looking at the future of telehealth in home health, this is just the beginning. More and more, we will see clinicians moving to a hybrid model to provide proactive care to patients. With the ability to connect in two clicks, patient and provider experience is top of mine.

Convenience for patients is key and that is evident. Patients are commenting on how convenient telehealth is. With COVID adoption and the bill that the presidential admission passed about home dialysis in 2025, this is a much-needed push for the industry. 

How Home Health Telehealth Care Drives Operational Efficiencies 

Innovate patient care through browser-based video telehealth can drive increased revenue opportunities while providing better patient outcomes. With a strategic vision for the future of seniors wanting to age at home, giving telehealth will be table stakes from caregiver decision-makers. Telehealth can drive operational efficiencies up to 25% to your healthcare organization.

  • Increase staffing ratios with virtual care with centralized video telehealth on-demand, after-hours, or scheduled.

  • Appeal to busy caregivers and chronic care patients with convenience for follow-ups and proactive care.

  • Reduce windshield time and employee attrition.

  • Reduce readmissions to the emergency department.


Home Health Telehealth Drives Operational Efficiencies

Chronic Disease Management & Palliative Care

Virtual Care vs Hospice Care

Did you know that: 

  • 3 out of 4 Medicare beneficiaries have 2 or more chronic conditions?

  • 80% of adults will have low back pain at some point in their life?

  • Did you know there are over 50 million baby boomers?

Listen to this in-depth conversation about the future of palliative care and how virtual care is making a huge impact. As more patients get access to their health information, how is the conversation changing with their doctors?

During the Executive Innovation Show podcast, host Carrie Chitsey talks with Dr. Tim Ihrig and Kim Kuebler

Simplistic Features

for Home Health Telehealth Care

Mobile Portal Access
  • Take telehealth consults when patients need them. When a change of condition happens, caregivers and patients need peace of mind. By accessing the mobile portal from anywhere, we give providers the ability to connect at their fingertips.

  • With the simplicity of 2-clicks, our telehealth technology stands superior to video conferencing tools. Did you know that consumer abandonment rates go up 50% for every 10 seconds added to a website or mobile app experience? That’s why an instant connection is so important!

One Touch Text Link
  • Send a text to patients or providers to connect with one-touch, instantly! We made our telehealth platform with ease of use in mind. Others may have patients download an app and create a log in. We know, seniors need simplicity.

  • That’s why we added the One Touch Text Link feature. Providers can send an SMS text to a patient. All the patient has to do is click the link, and their telehealth consult will be in session.

  • We understand how valuable the patient experience is. Not only for the patient but the provider as well. By allowing clinicians to practice medicine and not become tech support, this improves the physician experience.

Schedule A Demo With Us

For more information, schedule a demo and let us guide you through our platform and show you all of our features in action.